Excise Tax De-Registration
In order to deregister from excise tax the company must apply to deregister from Excise Tax within 30 days from the date you are no longer engaged in taxable activities i.e., the import, production or stockpiling of excise goods in the UAE.
Documents Required for Deregistration.
It will be necessary for you to prepare the following information in an appropriate format and include it in your online application:
In case of deregistering based on being no longer liable for excise tax:
It will be necessary for you to prepare the following information in an appropriate format and include it in your online application:
In case of deregistering based on being no longer liable for excise tax:
- Proof of no longer being liable for excise tax
- Financial Audit Report
- Declaration that you do not intend to conduct an activity that gives rise to an excise tax liability within the next 12 months, and the date on which you ceased to conduct activities that gave rise to an excise tax liability
- A signed and stamped audited inventory stock for the 12 months preceding the date of ceasing to conduct activities that gave rise to an excise tax liability

- A letter, declaring that you will not conduct nor intends to conduct any of the activities in relation to excise goods (import, production, or stockpiling of excise goods in the UAE) within the next 12 months
- Financial Audit Report
- In case of cancellation/s of trade license, a letter from ministry of labour confirming